As parents raising Chinese-speaking kids in the United States, we know the struggle to engage and maintain a child's interest in learning Chinese.
Of children who try to learn Chinese as a second language, 94% give up by the time they reach high school. It is time to address one of the greatest single factors that builds and safeguards second language acquisition--creating a print-rich environment at home.
The number of books in a home is closely correlated with a child's academic achievement. Think for a minute about how your child's collection of Chinese books compares to her collection of English books: How does the quantity compare? How does the quality compare? How frequently do you add to each collection?
Our subscriptions introduce your child to new Simplified Chinese books every month, along with audio recordings accessible through a free App or from Luka. Every book is carefully selected to bring the world’s best children’s literature in Simplified Chinese to your home.
Help your child grow into an independent Chinese reader, and watch her Chinese blossom for the years to come. Consider a JoJo subscription!