It’s almost time to go back to school- which means a whole bunch of new faces, names, and personalities to get acquainted with!
Ease your transition into the fall semester with these fun activities for kids (关于开学的手工):
1. 暑假做了什么 What I Did This Summer Worksheet
2. 自我介绍 About Me Worksheet
This simple worksheet is great for both teachers and students to get to know each other at beginning of the school year! Students can practice core vocabulary and simple grammar structures while also getting the chance to share their interests with others.
3. TPT Self-Introduction Printable Flashcard Activity
This free activity created by Jasmine Tay and posted on Teachers Pay Teachers is an amazing resource for students to learn how to introduce themselves and practice daily conversation in Chinese. This activity includes vocab
Download Via TeachersPayTeachers Here.
Find more back to school resources in Chinese:
4 Back to School Books in Simplified Chinese
4 Essential Back to School Videos for Beginner Chinese Learners
What do you think?
Have you used any of these worksheets at home or in your classroom? What did you think?
Do you have any other favorite back-to-school worksheets? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please let us know in the comments.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
Happy learning!
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