By: Yeon-gyeong Jung etc., translated by 陈爱丽
Format: paperback
Origin: Korean
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 31
Lines per page: 1-7
Price per book: $3
Luka® can read this book!
This Science Around Me 40-Book Set 蒲公英科学绘本(pú gōng yīng kē xué huì běn 40 cè)Dandelion Science Picture Book Series is one of our favorites for non-fiction informational books. It won numerous awards in South Korea, and became an instant bestseller when the Chinese version was published.
The vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling invite little ones to explore the science in everyday life.
Why we recommend these book especially for Chinese learners:
- Everyday science made simple and engaging.
- Short, common language. No Jargon.
- High-interest topics familiar to very young children.
- Wide range of topics including nature, human body, physics, chemistry, etc.
- Non-fiction reading to enhance language relevance and comprehension
- Images representative of Asian people and culture
For any Chinese book collection, we highly recommend two sets of non-fiction books: the My First Discovery Series and this Science Around Me 40-book set. Children will enjoy making connections between their explorations in the real world and the worlds they explore in these books.
Selected topics:
Why do we have "holes" in our body? Why do we like clean hands and sparkling teeth?
Where is our faucet water from? Where is the water going?
Are you best friends with your shadow too? Can you spot its tricks? Let's play with it!
What is dust? Where does it come from? Where is it going? Is it inside us? What should we do about it?
Why can't I climb up walls like Spiderman? Why do I glide so fast on the slide? What would it feel like to walk on the moon?
Have you ever seen an earthworm's poop? What do earthworms eat? Do they have teeth? Why do earthworms come out of their tunnels after a storm?
A cabbage butterfly laid 100 eggs. Why did only 76 eggs hatch? Why did only 8 make it to cocoons? In the end, how did only 1 become a butterfly?
Why is my baby brother so small? Why am I so big? Why am I growing?
Book titles:
《种子嘟嘟想变成什么呢?》What Will the Seeds Turn Into
《我喜欢你》I Like You
《影子是我的好朋友》Shadows Are My Good Friend
《水是从哪儿来的?》Where is Water From
《干净的手和洁白的牙齿》Clean Hands and Sparkling Teeth
《动物吃些什么呢?》What Do Animals Eat
《仲夏夜的萤火虫》Fireflies in Summer
《今天是会下雨还是会下雪?》Will It Snow Or Rain Today
《金龟子,我为你骄傲》Chafer Beetles, I am Proud of You
《我们神奇的衣服——皮肤》Our Magic Clothes-Our Skin
《猜猜我是谁》Guess Who Am I
《谁吃了苍蝇?》Who Ate the Flies
《欢迎到我的神秘花园来参观》Welcome to my Mysterious Garden
《地球的清洁小卫士是谁呢?》Who is the Custodian for the Earth
《了不起的大树》The Mighty Trees
《蝴蝶飞哪儿去了呢?》Where Did the Butterfly Go
《尖锐的“武器”》The Sharp "Weapen"
《蘑菇,你好吗?》Mushrooms, How Are You
《怪物喜欢热》The Monster Likes Heat
《这是什么水果呢?》What are those Fruits
《哎呀,吓我一跳》You Scared Me!
《这是什么谷物呢?》What are these Cereals
《哇,好多好多的花儿》So Many Flowers
《要不要跟我一起走?》Would You Like to Come With Me
《小恐龙找妈妈》Little Dinosaur Looks for Mommy
《海滩,谢谢你》Thank You, Beach!
《我是漂亮的八色鸟》I am the Georgeous 8-Color Bird
《雁儿往南飞》The Wild Geese Fly South
《我们全都住在地下》We all Live Underground
《活着还是死了?》Alive or Dead
《动物如何度过寒冬?》Animals in Cold Winter
《土壤清道夫蚯蚓》The Earth Worms
《为什么树叶会变色?》Why Are Leaves Turning Color
《蚂蚁飞起来了》The Ants Are Flying
《哐,有趣的重力》Fancinating Gravity
《我们一天天长大》We Are Growing
《要不要一起钻进蚯蚓洞?》Would you Like to Visit Earthworm's Home
《蝴蝶的100枚卵去哪儿了?》Where are the 100 Eggs of this Butterfly
《灰尘的环球旅行》The World Journal of One Little Dust
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Children ages 3+ who are conversational in Chinese will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
Although the text is limited, the vocabulary is expansive and not repetitive. There are also some scientific and technical terms. Children may be able to read this set independently if they know about 1000+ Chinese characters. It will definitely help build a beginner reader's vocabulary.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!