Originally published in: US
Format: paperback
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 31
Lines per page: 2-7
Price per book: $5.43
Luka® can read this book!
These 8 Chinese Paw Patrol 汪汪队立大功 (wāng wāng duì lì dà gōng) books are the ideal way to reinforce your young Paw Patrol fan's exposure to Chinese away from the screen.
Each 31-page book corresponds to one Paw Patrol episode. Each full-color page has between 2 and 7 lines of text, and will motivate a Paw Patrol fan who is a fluent Chinese speaker to reach her next level of reading.
Book titles:
《汪汪队-脱险的小火车》Pups Save a Train
《汪汪队-挽救大游轮》Pups Save the Cruise Ship
《汪汪队-走失的小野雁》Pup Pup Goose
《汪汪队-送外星人回家》Pups Save the Space Alien
《汪汪队-失控的三轮车》Pups Pit Crew
《汪汪队-圣诞夜大救援》Pups Save Christmas
《汪汪队-抢险小能手》Flying Adventure
《汪汪队-营救淘气小猫》Pups Save a Kitten
"Read to me":
Children ages 3+ who will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
The familiar settings, plots and characters provide great scaffolding support to Paw Patrol fun readers ages 3-8.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!