By: Chris Wormell , 常立(translator)
Originally Published in: United Kingdom
Format: Hardcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 36
Lines per page: 1-5
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一条聪明的鱼 ( yī tiáo cōng míng de yú) One Smart Fish
In this beloved story, British author Chris Wormell delights little minds with the big spirit of a little fish. . . while providing a lesson on evolution.
Long ago in the deep ocean, there lived many incredible fish...some were incredibly big, some incredibly scary. . . and there was one who was incredibly smart! He was so smart that he could do anything, sing, dance, even play an instrument. But more than anything else, this smart fish wanted to walk upon the land.
He thought and thought, and eventually made himself “feet” to be worn over his fins. One beautiful day, he walked onto the beach, and became the first fish that ever walked on land. He missed his friends and returned to the ocean, but his daring deeds inspired a movement! Now, other fish wanted to walk too. What would happen to them?
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 4+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
The limited text per page and the prevalence of common language from daily life make it a good "bridge book" for readers. The involved plot and detailed illustrations will capture the interest of experienced readers, ages 6+.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!