By: 熊亮
Originally Published in: China
Format: Hardcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 36
Lines per page: 1-6
Luka® can read this book!
兔儿爷 (tù ér yé) Lord Rabbit, also known as Clay Rabbit for Mid-Autumn Day, an old Chinese folk tale was rejuvenated by Xiong Liang, a celebrated pioneer Chinese artist who brings modernization into his exquisite traditional Chinese ink brush painting.
Lord Rabbit is a toy with an address label, about to be shipped to a little boy as a Mid-Autumn Day gift. The toy knows that the real Lord Rabbit, a loyal companion to the Moon Goddess, lives on the Moon and pounds medicine in a mortar by the only tree there. He doesn’t care, he is just excited to be sent to his new friend and new home. A gust of wind, however, blows away the address label! The toy Rabbit is lost and put in an attic, forgotten. For years, he is as lonely as the real Lord Rabbit on the Moon. He finally decides to break the box and adventures to look for the boy. Mid-Autumn Day is all about family reunion. Will he find his home?
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 3+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
The limited text per page and the prevalence of common language make it a good "bridge book" for readers. The involved plot and detailed illustrations will capture the interest of experienced readers ages 5+.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!