By: Jez Alborough, 梁英,钟兆绘 & 钟彧
Originally published in: UK(Hug), China (Big & Small, Family)
Format: hardcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 31
Lines per page: 1-2 short lines
Price per book: $11.8
Luka® can read these book!
We hand-selected this adorable 3-book collection for the youngest readers because:
- Each story is beautifully illustrated
- Each book teaches a different type of essential first vocabulary for the early Chinese learner
- Two of the books are written by Chinese authors with images representing Chinese or Asian families
- The stories are so gentle and sweet that reading them is a true bonding experience for parents and children
- Each book is readable by Luka.
In Big and Small (大大的,小小的, dà dà de, xiǎo xiǎo de), children will learn to use 大(dà, big) and 小 (dà, small) to describe essential everyday objects: 被子(bèi zǐ, blanket),梳子(shū zǐ, hair brush),马桶(mǎ tǒng, toilet),牙刷(yá shuā, tooth brush) ...
In Family (一家人, yī jiā rén), children will learn the names of animals and daily objects and where these objects "sleep": the 鱼 (yú, fish) family sleeps in the鱼缸 (yú gāng, fish tank); the 书 (shū, book) family sleeps in the 书架(shū jià, bookshelf); the 碗 (wǎn, bowl) family sleeps in the 碗橱 (wǎn chú, cabinet); and 爸爸(bà bà, daddy), 妈妈(mā mā, mommy) and me sleep on the bed...
In Hug (抱抱, bào bào), children will learn their very first words: 妈妈 (mā mā, mommy), 宝宝 (bǎo bǎo, baby) , 抱抱 (bào bào, hug/pick up). The phrase 抱抱(bào bào) repeats throughout the adorable story with a baby monkey looking for mommy's hug, emphasizing one of the first words that most Chinese-speaking children ever utter.
These three books will surely attract a baby or preschooler who is just starting their Chinese learning journey!
Book titles:
《大大的,小小的》Big and Small
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me": babies and toddlers will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself": ages 4-8. Children with 200 frequently used characters will feel a sense of accomplishment after reading these books.
Option to pair with Luka®: Luka reads all 3 books in this collection. Luka® defaults to read Hug (抱抱) in "Role Play Mode" (telling a story, not word for word). Switch Luka's reading mode to "Luka Original" in the App if your child prefers Luka® to read the book word for word.
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.Happy learning!