CNY Reading Challenge 2021

Start the Lunar New Year off right by building a habit of Chinese reading
How to participate?
Have your kiddo...
Read, read along with, or listen to any twelve Chinese books during the Chinese New Year (Feb 12- Feb 26). (Repeting a book is fine)
Each time your child reads a book, have him or her color one animal in our #CNY2021ReadingChallenge.
Take a pic of the completely colored sheet and tag us on social media*(Insta: @jojo_learning or FB: @jojolearning) by midnight PST on February 27.
*If you don't have social media or prefer not to use it, you can also email us the pic at
We'll pick our TOP 2 posts on February 28th and send the winners a red pocket and a couple other surprises!
Regardless whether your child wins or not, we recommend offering some incentive for them when they complete the challenge--whether it is an extra treat on New Year's day, a baking adventure with you, or a trip to the local bakery/dollar store, making an event of accomplishing this goal will help associate hard work with nice reward. We hope this may start a virtuous cycle of Chinese reading!
Click Here to get the CNY Challenge Printable
When we ran our #SummerBookBuilding challenges this summer, we heard from some of you that your kids were genuinely excited about reading in Chinese for the first time in a long time!
8 Best Chinese Children's Books to Read for Chinese New Year
Simple & Fun Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Year
10 Best Chinese Interactive Ebooks for Age 6-7
10 Best Chinese Interactive Ebooks for Preschoolers Ages 2-5
Here are quotes about kids ranging in age from 3-13:
Inspired by you, we decided to create a few simplified reading challenges for your family to enjoy this holiday season!
Happy learning, y'all!
The JoJo Team